
Spring cleaning my kitchen

Project Simplify: Week Four has been accomplished! The project was to clean out and organize the fridge and pantry. Well, I have a teeny fridge and not much of a pantry, so I just hauled up my britches and reorganized the whole kitchen. Unfortunately, the before picture has disappeared in the download! You will just have to imagine how messy and gross it was. Just think...we were sick for a couple of weeks and didn't bother trying to clean the mountain of ick that was our kitchen. You know it was bad. But, here are the happy results.

Here's a close-up of the pantry cabinets and silverware drawer (have to show off my new bamboo tray).

Can't wait to see what the last project will be tomorrow! I'm having a lot of fun getting more organized and getting rid of SO MUCH STUFF. I plan to tackle a couple more hot spots once Project Simplify is over...just because I can.

Oh, and I want to paint that kitchen. Maybe red. Hmmm...